Insights on the world of investments

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There are several reasons why we invest our funds and the manner in which we choose to invest. Some of us are interested in ensuring our economic future, and that of our children; some of us want to do “what everyone does”; some of us seek the thrill of investment or being able to “tell the fellows”; some of us seek stability;
And all of us (which means, really all of us, no exceptions) wish to achieve a high yield without assuming any risk, right?

Most people choose traditional investments (stocks and bonds). That is the “Do what everyone does” strategy. It downside is that it exposes the investors to high market fluctuations and a relatively low yield, particularly in the bond market.

So if you are an investor or are considering investment in the capital market and feel frustrated with the high fluctuations in the markets, the low interests in the bond market and the high stock prices, know that you are not alone in these feelings. Millions of investors around the world share this discontent.

The uncertainty in financial markets makes it difficult for investors to identify investment channels that have both a reasonable rate of return on the one hand, and stability in investment on the other hand.

Only investment channels which produce a reasonable and relatively stable rate of return on your investment give you the opportunity to construct a stable investment portfolio which will guarantee you adequate sums for your pension, or to any other goal you are saving your money for. Properly designing your investment portfolio will enable you to retire when you choose, while maintaining your quality of life.

The investment philosophy of Emerald is based on two principles, which largely eliminate the impact of market fluctuations on your investment portfolio:

  1. A rate of 20% – 45% of your investment portfolio should be allocated to investment in alternative assets, which are market independent. This should be done in order to lower the fluctuation of the yield of your portfolio and create a true distribution of risk in your investment portfolio.

  2. The portion of your investment portfolio which is dedicated to investments in alternative assets (20% – 45%) should be divided between several different investments which are not dependent on markets or on one another. Each investment should provide its yield from a different field of investments.

What services will you receive from us, and how are we different from others?

In the past, bonds were the cornerstone of any investment portfolio. Today, when the yields of bonds are at an all-time low, and the fluctuations of the values of the bonds are at an all-time high, this type of asset can no longer be considered the cornerstone of your investment portfolio.

We propose that you think outside the box .

It therefore leads us to see things that people who are fixated on the old investment world do not (regardless of how intelligent they may be in many other respects). We are dedicated to finding investment targets for you that the public as a whole has not yet reached. Those who invest in these channels are usually institutional investors and sophisticated private investors. These are not the type of investments that are suitable for everyone and it may be that the public at large will never end up investing in them. If you are reading this page, then you are probably one of the 10% of the investors who will manage to get into these types of investments.

We see the identification of successful alternative investment channels and presenting them to our customers as our mission in life.

However, let us be clear – there is no such thing as a risk free investment. Nonetheless, we offer you the highest yields for a relatively low risk. What that means is that we offer you a higher yield relative to the given risk any investment carries (or from the opposing perspective, a lower risk for a given yield) than what you are likely to find in traditional investment channels. The investments we offer are stable and the returns on them are predictable and stable over time.

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